
Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Technology Use in Addictions Therapy

Wearable technology is being developed by Case Western Reserve University as an automatic alert system to aid people quit smoking, possibly the first time a mobile alert system has been used to aid addictions in such way.

Two armband sensors have been developed to demonstrate a 98% accuracy in determining movements associated with lighting a cigarette as oppose than other similar motions such as eating or drinking. When these sensors detect the specific movement pattern of smoking a short 'motivational' video message is automatically sent to the user via a smart phone app, with the intention of halting the thought process and stopping the act of smoking. 

The technology is being combined with an online platform that includes mindfulness training and an individualised stop smoking quit plan. In years to come is this what behavioural change therapy is going to look like? I think it is a great example of how increasingly intelligent technology can be used to benefit our health. 

Full article